Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ahli kumpulan blog

- GAN MING TECK (19DPM14F1087) 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Illahi dengan izinnya, akhirnya kami salah satu kumpulan dari pada kelas DPM1A dapat menyiapkan blog Pengajian Malaysia ini dengan jaya. Terlebih dahulu kami ingin merakamkan ribuan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada pensyarah Pengajian Malaysia kami iaitu Pn. Nursaera binti Sidek yang telah banyak memberi bimbingan dan tunjuk ajar dalam kami menyiapkan blog ini. Dan terima kasih juga kepada sahabat sekumpulan dan sahabat kumpulan lain sanggup berkongsi pendapat dan bekerjasama untuk sama-sama menyiapkan blog Pengajian Malaysia ini dengan jayanya. Semoga usaha kami menyiapkan blog ini diberkati Allah S.WT. InsyaAllah. 


  Blog ini dihasilkan adalah bertujuan untuk berkongsi pengetahuan tentang Kursus Pengajian Malaysia. Terdapat 10 tajuk yang akan dibincangkan di dalam blog ini, Antaranya ialah

   Sejarah Awal Melaka, Perjuangan Kemerdekaan dan Pembentukan Malaysia tentang (Malayan Union dan Perseketuan Tanah Melayu), Sistem Pemerintahan dan Pentadbiran Negara tentang (Demokrasi Beparlimen dan Pilihan Raya) dan Sejarah Penggubalan Perlembagaan Malaysia .

   Selain itu, blog ini akan membincangkan tentang Rukun Negara, Wawasan 2020, Isu-isu Keperihatinan Negara tentang (Faktor Pembentukan Dasar Luar) dan Islam Dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan tentang (Perkara 3 dan Perkara 11)

Penasihat : Pn . Nursaera bt Sidek


Wilayah Pemerintahan Kesultanan Melaka

  • Zaman kesultanan Melayu Melaka adalah antara institusi kesultanan Melayu yang terawal di Tanah Melayu.
  • Kewujudan kesultanan ini menandakan bermulanya satu sistem politik Melayu yang dikenali sebagai kerajaan.
  • Sebelum Melaka, beberapa buah kerajaan Melayu telah muncul di Kepulauan Melayu seperti Langkasuka, Srivijaya, Gangga Negara, Palembang dan Temasik.
  • Namun, pengaruh kerajaan-kerajaan ini tidak dapat bertahan lama sehingga kemunculan kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.
·         Melaka merupakan sebuah perkampungan nelayan yang kecil dan tempat persembunyian lanun.
·         Penduduk terdiri daripada Orang Laut dan Orang Selat yang menyara kehidupan harian dengan menangkap ikan dan berdagang secara kecil-kecilan.
·         Melaka telah diasaskan oleh Parameswara (1400) yang berasal dari Palembang, Sumatera.
·         Baginda telah melarikan diri ke Temasik setelah Pelembang ditakluki Majapahit.
·         Baginda terpaksa melarikan diri ke Muar kerana diusir oleh tentera Siam, sebelum berpindah ke Melaka.
·         Kedudukan Melaka yang strategik dari segi perdagangan menyebabkan Melaka berkembang dan muncul sebagai pusat perdagangan yang terkemuka di Kepulauan Melayu.
·         Abad ke-15, kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang kuat di Asia Tenggara.
·         Kemakmuran Melaka semakin bertambah apabila Parameswara memeluk Islam.
·         Langkah ini menarik lebih ramai pedagang Islam dari Timur Tengah untuk berdagang di Melaka.
·         1405- Melaka menjalin hubungan diplomatik dengan China.
·         Melaka terus berkembang pesat serta bebas dari ancaman dan serangan Siam.

  • Kedudukan Melaka yang strategik- jalan perdagangan antarq China dan India- jalan masuk yg sesuai utk kapal berlabuh krn pelabuhan yang dalam.
  • Strategik dari segi geografi- terlindung drpd angin monsun.
  • Kestabilan politik dan sistem pentadbiran Melayu- baik, teratur, menjamin keselamatan nyawa dan harta benda.
  • Tindakan raja-raja Melaka memeluk Islam-menggalakkan pedagangan.

Sultan Melaka
Tempoh memerintah
1400 – 1414
1414 – 1424
1424 – 1444
1444 – 1446
1446 – 1456
1456 – 1477
1477 – 1488
1488 – 1511

  • Setelah Melaka ditakluki oleh Portugis pada 1511, kerajaan Melaka tidak terus lenyap.
  • Sebaliknya tradisi ini diwarisi oleh kerajaan Kesultanan Johor Lama yang berkembang selepas tahun 1520-an.
  • Kewujudan kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dianggap penting dalam sejarah awal Malaysia kerana disinilah bermulanya institusi kesultanan yg diwarisi oleh kerajaan-kerajaan Melayu yang muncul kemudian di negeri-negeri Melayu


·         Ilmu penting untuk mengangkat martabat sesuatu bangsa

·         Penjajah memperlihatkan bayak kesa negative kepada sesebuah Negara bangsa

·        ·         Sejarah awal Negara memperlihatkan kehidupa masyarakat zaman awal dan perkembangannya.

 sumber: http://kb.olympia.edu.my/ocjb/dit/Documents/M1(2)%20ZAMAN%20KESULTANAN%20MELAYU%20MELAKA.ppt

     Posted by: MOHD RAIS B MOHD YUSSOF - 19DPM14F1073

Monday, October 6, 2014


The Malayan Union and Impacts

An anti- Malayan Union caricatureTHE Malayan Union, which the British Labour Government inaugurated in post-war Malaya on April 1, 1945, lasted slightly more than two years. Although it was a shortlived constitutional experiment, it led to dramatic political developments.
In present-day Malaysian history textbooks, the Malayan Union is regarded as having awakened political activity, and heightened ethnic consciousness and nationalism among the peninsula’s different ethnic groups.
For the Malays, their opposition to the Malayan Union led to the birth of the United Malays National Organisation or Umno – which was inaugurated on May 11, 1946 in Johor Baru – and the emergence of Datuk Onn Jaafar as its first president.
Umno obtained support from all strata of Malay society in opposing the Malayan Union – the aristocrats, the radical Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (Malay Nationalist Party or MNP), Islamic groups, civil servants, rural leaders like the penghulus (village heads), and even the police and ex-service personnel.
Umno opposed the Malayan Union because it restricted the Malay rulers’ powers and Malay special privileges, and granted citizenship and equal rights to non-Malays who qualified on birth, residential and other terms.
Umno founder Datuk Onn Jaafar was a keen writer.Umno demanded a return to the prewar political structures, set up in the Malay states according to treaties signed with the Malay rulers under which the British “protected” the Malay states and advised the rulers in all matters except Islam and Malay customs.
The protests and demonstrations against the Malayan Union saw Malay women breaking tradition by joining marches and carrying placards. Many Malays wrapped white cloth around their songkok (cap) as a symbol of mourning. Umno urged Malay civil servants to boycott the Malayan Union government by refusing to carry out any work. Also at Umno’s urging, the Malay rulers boycotted Sir Edward Gent’s inauguration as Malayan Union governor.
Non-Malays were also prompted to fight for their rights, and organised political parties such as the Malayan Indian Congress (MIC) and the Malayan Democratic Union, which came under an umbrella organisation – the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action (AMCJA) – headed by prominent Chinese leader Tan Cheng Lock.
Several trade unions and women’s groups aligned with the then semi-legal Communist Party of Malaya also joined the AMCJA.
For the first time, politics during the Malayan Union led to the formation of a multi-racial alliance between the non-Malay AMCJA and the Malay-based Pusat Tenaga Raayat (Putera), a coalition under the MNP’s leadership that comprised its youth and women wings, and Malay cultural bodies.
Dr Burhanuddin Al-Helmy became Putera-AMCJA president, with Tan as deputy president.
This followed the MNP’s departure from Umno over differences regarding Umno’s flag. The MNP decided to team up with the AMCJA to fight for an independent United Malaya with equal citizenship for all, and an elected Parliament in which the Malay rulers would become constitutional monarchs.
The coalition’s parties also agreed that Malay would be the national language, and all citizens would be known as “Melayu” nationals.
The proposed “Melayu” nationality was controversial, but it was quite different from bangsa Melayu and was not a racial but a national identity. The Malays opposed the term “Malayan” because it was associated with the Malayan Union, so Putera’s non-Malay partners agreed not to use it. At the same time, the term “Malaysian” did not yet exist.
The AMCJA-Putera “People’s Constitution” which incorporated these points was a blueprint for Malaya’s future.
Tun Tan Cheng Lock, eventually founded MCA.Many observers were surprised that Chinese and pro-communist groups were willing to make such major concessions to accommodate the MNP’s Malay nationalism, and equally surprised that the MNP was willing to accept non-Malays as equal citizens if they demonstrated their loyalty to Malaya.
However, the British government rejected the AMCJA-Putera proposals, and decided to concede instead to the demands of Umno and the Malay rulers. The British were not yet ready to grant self-government and independence and attempted to negotiate a deal that would not endanger its political, economic and military interests.
Umno and the Malay rulers had taken up their grievances with the Colonial Office in London by writing petitions to British members of Parliament and waging a public relations campaign.
They received support from prominent former British government officers like Sir Richard Winstedt and Sir Frank Swettenham.
The British finally agreed to the Malay demands for the return of sovereignty to the Malay rulers, and a tightening of citizenship laws for Chinese, Indians and others. In return, Umno and the Malay rulers agreed to the British proposal to set up the Federation of Malaya as a mutually acceptable frame of government to replace the Malayan Union.

review : Conclude there can be many factors that led to the establishment of the Malayan Union by the British British.Walau even try to hide that supposedly in the interests of the people of Malaya, but you look at how the British established the Malayan Union, this is for the sake of their economic interests in Malaya. ways that are not agreed upon the establishment by all social levels of the Malay community has led to much opposition finally succeeded in abolishing the constitution of the Malayan Union implemented sepenuhnya.Bagi abolishing the Malayan Union, the Malayan leaders and people have done a lot of average resistance resistance occurs to ensure the Malayan Union, not in laksanakan.Daripada Malayan Union, it can be seen the effect of the Malayan Union, which has significantly altered the pattern and the influence of political, social and cultural development, particularly Malaya Malaysia.

sumber : http://www.malaysianbar.org.my/echoes_of_the_past/the_malayan_union_and_its_impact.html
Posted by: AFIQ HAZIM B JAMIL - 19DPM14F1089

Saturday, October 4, 2014


The Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) is a federation of 11 states:

The Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) is a federation of 11 states:
  • Malay states; and
  • 2 states of the British Straits Settlements, namely Penangand Melaka;
that was formed on 1 February 1948 and existed until 16 September 1963. It was formed to replace the Malayan Unionwhich met with strong opposition from Malay nationalists because in essence, the Malayan Union concept removed the symbolic positions of the Malay rulers and transformed Malaya into a British crown colony.
Within the Federation of Malaya, the Malay states were protectorates of the United Kingdom, while Penang and Melaka remained British colonial territories until 31 August 1957, when the federation attained independence from the British.
In 1963, the Federation of Malaya was reconstituted as the Federation of Malaysia, with the addition of Singapore,Sabah, and Sarawak. Singapore, however, became an independent state on 9 August 1965.

2.  System of government: The government of the Federation of Malaya was headed by aBritish High Commissioner with executive powers, assisted and advised by:
  1. the Federation of Malaya Executive Council, comprising 7 officials and 7 unofficial members; and
  2. the Federation of Malaya Legislative Council, comprising the High Commissioner as the Council President, 14 officials, and 50 unofficial members representing the Straits Settlements, business groups, and all races. Additionally, 9 State Council Yang di-Pertua (heads of state), Chief Ministers, and 2 representatives from the Straits Settlements became unofficial members.
The Malay Conference of Rulers would advise the High Commissioner on immigration issues. The British Resident was replaced with a Chief Minister in each state of the federation.

3.  Conditions of citizenship: The conditions of citizenship of the Federation of Malaya were tightened, using:
  • law enforcement: Under the laws, the following were automatically granted citizenship:
    • Citizens of the Sultan of any state;
    • British citizens born in Penang or Melaka, who have lived continuously for 15 years in the Federation;
    • British citizens born in the Federation, whose fathers were born or lived continuously for 15 years in the Federation;
    • Anyone born in the Federation, conversant in the Malay language and followingMalay traditions in his or her daily life; and
    • Anyone born in the Federation, whose parents were born and lived continuously for 15 years in the Federation.
  • naturalization by application: Under this category, one could achieve citizenship under the following criteria:
    • Anyone born in the Federation who had lived for at least 8-12 years in the Federation before the application was made;
    • Anyone who had lived in the Federation for at least 15-20 years before the application was made.
In both cases via naturalisation, applicants must be:
  • well-behaved, swear allegiance, and clarify their reasons for living in the Federation; and
  • are fluent in either the Malay or English language.
The Federation of Malaya, through its Constitution, guarantees the rights and special position of the Malay people, as well as the rights, powers and sovereignty of the Malay rulers in their respective states.

4.  Separation of powers of the federal and state governments: The Federation of Malaya Agreement (Perjanjian Persekutuan) set the powers of the federal and state governments. Financial matters must be handled by the respective states, and the Sultan was given full power on religious issues andMalay customs, while foreign policy and defence continued to be administered by the British government. The Federation Agreement was made theConstitution of the Federation of Malaya and officially declared on 1 February 1948.

review : 

1 The Malay Federation welcomed 1948 as meets the 
their struggle. 
2 Although the non-Malays do not fully agree with the establishment 
Federal, 1948, but they accept it because the willingness of the Malays 
accept them as Malayans. 
3 The formation of the Federation of Malaya in 1948 finally groan way towards 
struggle for independence.

sumber : http://malaysiafactbook.com/Federation_of_Malaya

Posted by : MOHD KHALID B CHEK - 19DPM14F1091

Friday, October 3, 2014


Sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen
Malaysia mengamalkan Sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen di bawah pentadbiran Raja Berperlembagaan dengan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong sebagai Ketua Negara. Perlembagaan negara telah digubal dengan mengadakan syarat-syarat untuk pengalaman sistem ini. Salah satu syarat sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen adalah pembahagian kuasa kepada tiga bahagian di dalam pemerintahan, iaitu Perundangan, Kehakiman dan Pentadbiran atau Eksekutif.
Malaysia juga merupakan sebuah negara yang mengamalkan sistem Demokrasi berasaskan kepada sistem Persekutuan. Sehubungan dengan itu, ia bermakna negeri-negeri Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak , Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Sarawak dan Sabah telah bersetuju dengan konsep penubuhan Negara Malaysia.
Setiap negeri yang terbabit telah menyerahkan sebahagian kuasa masing-masing, seperti kewangan, pertahanan, pelajaran, luar negara dan lain-lain lagi seperti mana yang telah tercatat di dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia yang di tadbir oleh Kerajaan Pusat. Ada perkara-perkara yang dijadikan kuasa negeri dan negeri akan mentadbirkan kuasa.
Sebagai sebuah negara Raja Berperlembagaan, maka diperuntukan oleh Perlembagaan institusi Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Raja-raja Melayu di sembilan buah negeri dan Majlis Raja-raja. Baginda adalah diberi kuasa untuk memelihara adat istiadat orang Melayu dan Pentadbiran Agama Islam di negeri masing-masing. Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong adalah Ketua Agama Islam bagi negeri-negeri Pulau Pinang, Sabah, Sarawak, dan Wilayah-wilayah Persekutuan.
Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong juga menjadi Kepala Utama Negara dan Baginda adalah Pemerintah Tertinggi Angkatan Tentera Negara. Baginda akan menjalankan tugas-tugas dibawah Perlembagaan mengikut nasihat Perdana Menteri atau Jemaah menteri . Raja-raja pula menjadi Ketua Negeri masing-masing dan menjalankan tugas mengikut nasihat Menteri-menteri Besar atau Ketua-ketua Menteri.

ulasan : sistem pemerintahan demokrasi berparlimen yang diamalkan di Negara kita menunjukkan corak kerajaan yang dipilih mengikut kehendak rakyat.
· demokrasi berparlimen dapat menjamin hak dan kepentingan rakyat.

Thursday, October 2, 2014



The election is on of the main foundation of an independent nation practicing the system of democracy.For the federation of malaya,the provision of hold an election is enshirened in the federation of Malaya Agreement1948.It is an initial action by the British in the gradual handover towards self-government status to Malaya.

Immediately after the Local Authority Council Act was passed, the first ever selection in Malaya was held in 1951 namely the Municipality Election in Penang. The Municipality Elevtion was clearly aimed to give the residents of Malaya a taste of politics prior to the state and federal elections to choose their own goverment.

Following that, a second municipal level election was held on 16 February 1952, namely the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Election. This selection witnessed a political cooperation between race-based parties in this country that pave the way for independence of this country.

The first federal general election (a,b,c,d,e,f) was held on 27 July 1955. The Alliance Party helmed by YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman fielded 66 candidates. Parti Negara helmed by Dato' Onn Jaafar fielded 33 candidates, while the Pan-Malaya Islamic Party (PAS) fielded 11 candidates. Other participating parties were the Labour Party, Perak Progressive Party (later known as People Progressive Party) Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Peran and Pertubuhan Melayu. In this general election, The Alliance Party consisting of the United Malay National Organisation (UMNO), Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) won 51 of the 52 seat contested. The victory gained by the Alliance Party provided it with a very comnfortable position to form a goverment.

The Victory by the Alliance Party also showed that their policies suited well with the demands of the residents of Malaya. More than 80 percent of the voters gave their support to the Alliance Party,

In the 1955, general election campaign, the Alliance used the following manifesto namely gaining indenpendence within four years, compulsory education to all races, to create a local design of the civil services, to take care of human rights and protect the rights of the Malay Rulers as a Constitutional Monarchy. Indeed, this manifesto had succesfully captured the hearts of voters and thus proven with the succes of the Alliance Party winning almost 100% of the seats.

With the Alliance Party victory in the general elections, YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, the leader of the Alliance Party wasa elected as the first ever Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya. On July 31, 1955 a Cabinet was formed with the consent of the British High Commissioner. For the hard work of this party, the Federation Malaya succesfully gained its independence within two years after the Alliance won the Federal election.

review: It is clear that the electoral process is a mechanism to maintain the pattern of governmental yangdiwujudkan parliamentary democracy because konsepini has put the government in deciding which one will reign negara.Sebuah democratic government refers to the concept of no memerintahatau body acting as a full authority in the administration of the country . This element exists dijelaskandengan government supporters and opposition groups as a function yangmenjalankan 

`` Check and balance`` 
to ensure there are no irregularities in the administrative elements of the country

sumber : http://www.arkib.gov.my/en/web/guest/pilihanraya-umum-pertama-1955

Posted by : MOHD RAIS B MOHD YUSSOF - 19DPM14F1073