The Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) is a federation of 11 states:
The Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) is a federation of 11 states:
- 9 Malay states; and
- 2 states of the British Straits Settlements, namely Penangand Melaka;
that was formed on 1 February 1948 and existed until 16 September 1963. It was formed to replace the Malayan Unionwhich met with strong opposition from Malay nationalists because in essence, the Malayan Union concept removed the symbolic positions of the Malay rulers and transformed Malaya into a British crown colony.
Within the Federation of Malaya, the Malay states were protectorates of the United Kingdom, while Penang and Melaka remained British colonial territories until 31 August 1957, when the federation attained independence from the British.
In 1963, the Federation of Malaya was reconstituted as the Federation of Malaysia, with the addition of Singapore,Sabah, and Sarawak. Singapore, however, became an independent state on 9 August 1965.
2. System of government: The government of the Federation of Malaya was headed by aBritish High Commissioner with executive powers, assisted and advised by:
- the Federation of Malaya Executive Council, comprising 7 officials and 7 unofficial members; and
- the Federation of Malaya Legislative Council, comprising the High Commissioner as the Council President, 14 officials, and 50 unofficial members representing the Straits Settlements, business groups, and all races. Additionally, 9 State Council Yang di-Pertua (heads of state), Chief Ministers, and 2 representatives from the Straits Settlements became unofficial members.
The Malay Conference of Rulers would advise the High Commissioner on immigration issues. The British Resident was replaced with a Chief Minister in each state of the federation.
3. Conditions of citizenship: The conditions of citizenship of the Federation of Malaya were tightened, using:
- law enforcement: Under the laws, the following were automatically granted citizenship:
- Citizens of the Sultan of any state;
- British citizens born in Penang or Melaka, who have lived continuously for 15 years in the Federation;
- British citizens born in the Federation, whose fathers were born or lived continuously for 15 years in the Federation;
- Anyone born in the Federation, conversant in the Malay language and followingMalay traditions in his or her daily life; and
- Anyone born in the Federation, whose parents were born and lived continuously for 15 years in the Federation.
- naturalization by application: Under this category, one could achieve citizenship under the following criteria:
- Anyone born in the Federation who had lived for at least 8-12 years in the Federation before the application was made;
- Anyone who had lived in the Federation for at least 15-20 years before the application was made.
- In both cases via naturalisation, applicants must be:
- well-behaved, swear allegiance, and clarify their reasons for living in the Federation; and
- are fluent in either the Malay or English language.
The Federation of Malaya, through its Constitution, guarantees the rights and special position of the Malay people, as well as the rights, powers and sovereignty of the Malay rulers in their respective states.
4. Separation of powers of the federal and state governments: The Federation of Malaya Agreement (Perjanjian Persekutuan) set the powers of the federal and state governments. Financial matters must be handled by the respective states, and the Sultan was given full power on religious issues andMalay customs, while foreign policy and defence continued to be administered by the British government. The Federation Agreement was made theConstitution of the Federation of Malaya and officially declared on 1 February 1948.
review :
1 The Malay Federation welcomed 1948 as meets the
their struggle.
2 Although the non-Malays do not fully agree with the establishment
Federal, 1948, but they accept it because the willingness of the Malays
accept them as Malayans.
3 The formation of the Federation of Malaya in 1948 finally groan way towards
struggle for independence.
sumber :
Posted by : MOHD KHALID B CHEK - 19DPM14F1091
Posted by : MOHD KHALID B CHEK - 19DPM14F1091
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